CLICK HERE to download our list of accepted insurances.
Private Insurance
Most Private Insurance Accepted – Please call to discuss any questions.
We are a Participating Medicare Provider.
Work-Related Injuries (Workers Compensation)
If you were involved in a work-related injury, your company’s Workers Compensation generally pays 100% of your treatment. You can come directly to Action Sports Medicine & Pain Management without a referral for treatment. If necessary, we will advise you on the procedures to file a Workers Compensation claim.
Personal Injury (No-Fault)
If you were involved in a car accident, your auto insurance or the insurance of the other driver will generally pay for 100% of your treatment. You can come directly to Action Sports Medicine & Pain Management without a referral. If necessary, we will advise you on the procedures to file a No-Fault case.
Not covered by any of these plans? Contact us and we will find the best solution to suit you.