Upper back pain is typically characterized by muscle soreness as opposed to structural damage. The upper back serves to provide the body with stability, and isn’t subject to as much twisting and turning as the lower back. These soft tissue strains are often the result of physical impact or poor posture, and the symptoms include spasm, stiffness and tenderness. While upper back pain may be painful, in most cases it is not serious and will resolve itself with rest and anti-inflammatory medication.
Mid back pain is characterized by muscle soreness as opposed to structural damage. It’s typically caused by sudden impact or poor posture over a period of time. Most cases of mid back pain resolve with rest and anti-inflammatory medication, however the closer the injury is to the lower back region, the higher the chance of a more serious injury. If you’ve experienced violent trauma, or have a fever coinciding with your mid back pain, we recommend that you get checked out by a doctor.
Lower back pain is the most common and debilitating type of back injury. Roughly 40% of people experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. Our lower backs handle the twisting and turning of our body, and are constantly under duress. This can lead to a wide variety of injuries, some very minor while others chronic and severe. In most cases, lower back pain is caused by a muscle or joint strain, and should resolve itself in a few weeks. If the pain lasts longer, we’d advise you see a doctor to rule out a more serious condition.
Common Conditions Treated
Myofascial Syndrome
Herniated Disk
Cervical Facet Disorder
Lumbar Facet Disorder
Cervical Radiculopathy
Lumbar Radiculopathy
Spinal Stenosis
Degenerative Disease
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Treatment Options
Chiropractic: Chiropractic is an alternative health care profession that focuses on treating disorders of the musculoskeletal system. A common cause of headaches and head pain is subluxations, or a slight misalignment of the vertebrae, in the upper back and neck which is effectively treated with chiropractic adjustments.
Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is designed to promote a patient’s overall health and fitness, prevent injury and maximize quality of life. Physical therapy is a treatment method for improving limited body movement and functionality and is effective for head pain caused by musculoskeletal issues including muscle tension and tightness, disc pathology, lack of neck motion, poor posture, and tightness in the back and shoulder blades.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a thousand year old traditional Chinese treatment for chronic pain. It is very effective treatment for head pain and has been used for head pain since the earliest beginnings of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is not only effective for migraine headaches, but also is greatly effective in treating tension headaches, cluster headaches, post-traumatic headaches, and disease-related headaches due to sinus problems, hypertension, or sleeping disorders.
Minimally Invasive Treatment
Epidural Steroid Injections
Facet Joint Injections
Intra Articular Cortisone
Medial Branch Blocks
Prolotherapy & PRP Injections
Radiofrequency Rhizotomy
Trigger Point Injections
Sacroiliac Joint Injections